Wednesday, August 30, 2006


So I'm back home again after a short trip to Poland. I have to say that's a pretty cheap place, hehe.

To make a long story short, we left Norway with a bus to Stockholm on friday, and from Stockholm by plane on saturday. We lived in some cabins at a hotel near Gdansk. Sunday we went to a local church, that I'm visiting again in a couple of weeks with Reboot. Monday we basically only had some information about different ministries in Poland and ate dinner together at a mountain restaurant near a beach. Tuesday we went to Gdansk for some shopping, and me and 3 others saw a guy die on the street due to a heart attack. He died a few meters from where I'm standing on the picture with the white car kiosk. The piicture was taken a few hours before the heart attack incident, so you know :)
Back in Sweden on wednesday, our bus broke down after 2 hours of driving and we had to wait for several hours before we got a new one. Then we towed the old one to Trøgstad and continued to Skien. So alltogether that busride was almost 24 hours :P
Here's a picture of some of us eating at a local restaurant. Marianne Honningdal and her father Jan Honningdal, Svenna and me... Marianne is in Reboot too.

Take care and all that :D


Blogger solveig said...

hei arne!godt å se at du har det bra!(bortsett fra død mann på gata..autch!)håper skien blir KNALLbra,som det sikkert er allerede..dere må si fra om dere ska ha no show eller no i nærheten,take care,å hils julie og christina!kjærleik:sol(som forresten også klikker på myspace,og har blog isteden..)

31 August, 2006 19:39  

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