
The next day we drove to a town called Lüdenscheid, south-west in Germany. It was supposed to be a 4 hour drive but our tire exploded while driving on the autobahn. This was very scary and could have gone very bad, but we managed to pull the car to the side of the road and call an autobahn service. We didn't bring a jack so we needed their help to change the tire. A guy came and fixed the entire thing and told us that we needed to buy all new tires because they apparently was illegal to drive with in Germany. And he also did it for free :)

After much work, stress and a "runoutofgas" incident we finally got to Lüdenscheid 8 hours too late. We unscrewed the seats to make the oven fit as it was bigger than we thought and drove back again to Hamburg.
Wednesday we got to look around in a small town outside Hamburg where Søren's grandmother lives. We also picked up the washingmachine in another town outside Hamburg, and again we had to unscrew seats. Our trip back again started 02:00 from Søren's grandmother and we were back in Skien about 15:00.
I have to say one fun thing about Germany. In the parking garages the easiest and first parking spots have signs that says: "Frauenparkplatz", which means of course women parking spot.

Hei, Arne!
Dette synes jeg de bør innføre i Norge også:)
Hei Arne.
Fint at du har hatt en fin tur. Håper du får tak i noen NORSLER tilbake til gamellandet.
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